

Ever wondered why majority of the Presidents in the US are from the Ivy League Universities? Ever wondered why more than half of the Supreme Court Judges in the US are from the Ivy League Universities? Ever wondered why to become a Commissioned Officer in the United Kingdom’s and Israeli Military- you must have have exceptional pedigree? Ever wondered why the Commissioned Officers at the KDF are refined- compared to the Kenya Police Commanders? Just compare the KDF spokesman Col Oguna to the current Police Spokeswoman.
There is something about Pedigree. There is something about the culture of the leading institutions that prepares one for greatness. My Dad attended Maseno School in the 1940s, and I had the privilege, by the Grace of God, to attend the same school. He ensured that I went to the same Dormitory that he used in the 1940′s called Mayor 2- formerly Parker House.
Even in his 80s, Dad kept touch with his fellow Maseno Boys. They visited each other- talked about their days in Maseno. They knew each other by their Houses, and year of completion, and whether one was the School Captain, DH Captain etc . The same Culture still goes on even today- and it is common even in other great schools like Alliance, Mangu and Starehe.
I am talking about Maseno School and the prestige associated with going to that great School since it has some impact on the Kenyan Political Arena in 2014. In those days, there were ONLY two Schools that any Luo of Substance had to attend: Maseno and St Mary School, Yala.
One young man in the 1950s tried several times to join the prestigious Maseno School. He repeated classes five times, just to make the mark- but failed miserably. His father had earlier taught in Maseno School, and did his best to get his son admitted to the Maseno School. The British Principals that ran Maseno were strict on minimum standards.
After repeating classes soooo many times until he got the reputation of being one of the oldest students in Maranda School- that young man was taken to East Germany to an Institution that- if one were to put a comparison with Kenya’s education system- can be classified as a Village Polytechnic- where students that failed to grasp the complex mathematical formulae were taken “kupiga randa, welding or tailoring”.
The young man’s father was had access to lots of scholarships to quality Universities in Russia- but he could not meet the minimum standards to be admitted to Russia.
That young man of the 1950s is non other than Raila Amollo Odinga.
William Odongo Omamo openly defied the Odinga’s. One of his arguments was that “He could not submit to someone whose kids could not do basic mathematics”. He kept referring to the not so secret poor performance of one Raila Amollo Odinga in school. It comes as no surprise Raila does not mention who were his classmates, Dorm-mates and Playmates while in School.
I am not writing this to disparage anyone- or any school- but to put into context the current political “Crisis” in Kenya.It is important to fully understand the character of our leaders, their backgrounds and records.
This is very important since it determines our destiny. When you have someone at the top- whose intellectual capacity is not adequate- it is very easy to plunge the country into chaos.
When you have someone whose intellectual capacity is not adequate leading an opposition- he may not understand the role of the opposition- and imagine that opposition politics is synonymous with causing chaos and burning down a country. It is time the real records are laid bare- for all to see- and make informed decisions.

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