
RAILA ODINGA says he will beat UHURU/ RUTO by a landslide and form the next Govt

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has
expressed confidence that he will form
the next Government come 2017 .
Speaking to Joe Ageyo of KTN during an
interview, Raila said he was sure of
beating President Uhuru Kenyatta and his
Deputy , William Ruto, in 2017 by a
landslide to form an all inclusive Government which every Kenyan will feel
part of.
However, he said, he will not wait until then to start addressing issues facing
Kenyans and thus the reason to call for a national dialogue between Uhuru/
Ruto’s Jubilee and CORD, which represents Kenyans.
The former PM noted that Kenyans who are dy ing because of insecurity in
Kenya are represented by both Government and the opposition, and as CORD,
they will not wait for five y ears to take over Government for them to address
the security crisis in the country .
“Our people are dy ing and we cannot wait for five y ears to take over
Government before we can address insecurity . Those dy ing Kenyans are
represented by Uhuru/ Ruto’s Government as much as they are represented
by CORD and we must do something now to save the situation,” said Raila.

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