
Politicians exchange blows...

Nairobi County Assembly y esterday turned into a
battle ground between former Prime
Minister Raila Odinga’s CORD MCAs and
their counterparts in Uhuru/ Ruto’s
Jubilee all because of Raila Odinga.
It all started after the leader of Minority
in the Assembly , Abdi Guyo, issued an
inflammatory statement that in somewhat
demeaned the former PM to the disappointment of his CORD followers.
In a statement, Guyo told CORD supporters to celebrate the grand return of
their Leader, Raila Odinga, but they should know Uhuru Kenyatta beat him
and will never be President.

See Also: Look at what RAILA ODINGA has told his CORD Governors to do to UHURU/ RUTO

Guyo further angered CORD MCAs, who are the majority in the Assembly ,
when he trashed Raila Odinga’s call for a national dialogue, say ing Uhuru
Kenyatta is firmly in charge of Government and that Raila will not be co-opted
in Government through dialogue because there is no “nusu mkate
Guyo’s statement irked CORD MCAs who rose and engaged their Jubilee
counterparts in fierce phy sical fight.
The MCAs exchanged serious blows for 30 minutes that almost spilled over to
the Speaker’s table.
It forced 6 of the Speaker’s bodyguards to form a ring around their boss to
protect him from the rowdy MCAs.
After the war subsided, CORD MCAs demanded that Jubilee apologizes or else
the war is not over.

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