
Marende DUMPS Raila Odinga.

 Kenneth Marende has joined ODM revolts in deserting Raila Odinga ahead of the 2017 General Election.

Adressing bereaved people in Bungoma during the entombment of Alfred Khangati's father where Raila Odinga was likewise exhibit, Marende impelled Luhyas to stop following former PM and vote in favor of one of their own come 2017 .

He said their partnership with theRaila Odinga has not yielded much,snd it's time Luhyas produced their own and choose one of their own as President and abstain from being utilized by different groups to ascend to power.

READ:MIDIWO to do awful things in RAILA ODINGA's name as he uncovers man behind hate leaflets.
Marende demanded the Luhya solidarity saying it is the main way the Luhya individuals, who have been generally marked as cooks and guards, will be regarded in the wake of delivering the fifth President of Kenya.
"This time, vote in favor of an individual Luhya for President and nobody else, we have been utilized as a step by other selfish groups for quite a while," said Marende before Raila Odinga.

Marende's sentiments are a huge hit to Raila on the grounds that he is relying upon the Luhya group for his fourth shot at the Presidency .

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