

KU Gender and Welfare secretary #Micky_Wanja gave one Babu Owino and his assistant Juma Charlow (the 2 Big Balls) serious schooling  during their interview today on KTN-StraightUp.

The punchlines;
*A clever fighter never uses his best weapon before the war starts. #Conclusion: The duo are not clever, a kind way of calling them fools.

*In the 21st Century, Guerrilla tactics can't create solutions. A kind way of saying you live in stone age.

Micky went ahead trying to bring sense to this two duos on why they shouldn't have incited the students to hold a demonstration on Tuesday 21st since it was baseless and the two had no facts regarding fee increment. In one way or the other Wanja tried to bring out the fact that the two were using this just as a political platform to gain cheap publicity or maybe someone somewhere was using them to use the students as an arm to dis-stabilize the UhuRuto government in such time when its under pressure to handle terrorism in the country.

All said,the it all up to the students, to evaluate each and every matter before rushing to take any action to avoid manipulation from politicians as they intensify their supremacy battles.

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