
Cord says now allowed to hold Uhuru Park rally

Coalition and Reforms for Democracy (Cord) political rally scheduled for Saturday will now go on after the Inspector General of Police David lifted the ban on political meetings in the country.
Cord said Mr Kimaiyo had allowed them to hold a rally at Uhuru Park on Saturday after a meeting with top party leaders early Wednesday morning.
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The police boss had earlier Tuesday outlawed all political rallies until further notice due to security concerns.
Mr Kimaiyo, however, disowned the disowned the blanket ban on all political gatherings later Tuesday, saying they could he held away from Madaraka (Independence) Day celebrations
"We are just saying that rallies can continue as long as they don’t interfere with preparations of 1st (of June), that is the Madaraka Day," he said in a telephone interview with our sources..
Shortly after the ban, Cord had vowed to go on with the rally terming the ban as a “cowardly act” which had no basis in law, putting them at a collision course with the police.
The opposition leaders including Senators Moses Wetangula and his counterpart James Orengo as well as former National Assembly Speaker Farah Maalim, Homa Bay County MP Gladys Wanga and Gem legislator Jakoyo Midiwo met with the IG early Wednesday morning and were allowed to go ahead with the rally.
“This morning we have engaged with the IG on a wide range of issues touching on the announcement he made and we have agreed that the rally shall go on,” Mr Wetangula told journalists outside Parliament buildings Wednesday morning.
“We will also hold very serious rallies in various parts of the country in the coming days,” he added.
He said the programme will run as scheduled and that various issues would be discussed during the rally including insecurity, corruption among others.
The Bungoma Senator faulted Mr Kimaiyo for the earlier ban saying no previous Cord rally has had any security challenges neither had any been marred with violence.
Mr Maalim said the police boss had promised he would provide adequate security during the rally to safeguard both Cord leaders and their supporters.

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